Vinayak Realtech

Healthiest Home: How to make our Home healthiest

The healthiest home is our resting nest. It is our shelter of body & mind and if you want a good life or a healthy life, your home must be very healthy. A healthy home promotes our well-being. There are many ways of making your home a healthy place and in this blog, I will inform you of some of them. So that, you can make your happy place a.k.a home, a healthy place as well. Connect with Vinayak Realtech to get your dream home on a budget at the heart of the city.


Healthiest Home: Tips for making your home healthy:


A. Pain it green:

Well, I am not talking about the wall paint of your home at all. I am talking about houseplants. Do you know that indoor air pollution can be 2-5 times higher than outdoor air pollution (and it’s more serious, given we spend around 80% or more of our time inside)? So, it should be the first step you should take action against. Include air-purifying house plants in your house decoration. These houseplants will take care of the pollution level, they also look great, and these kinds of plants can survive on very little maintenance. It means you are free from any kind of extra burden as well. Some of the great options are English Ivy, Aloe Vera, Peace Lilies, etc.


B. Take care of the air:

Air quality can affect your overall health and especially impact those with allergies, asthma, and other lung conditions. To improve the air quality of your home, you can use a humidifier. Humidifiers help keep your home germ-free, taking care of your dry skin and relieving symptoms like a stuffy nose and sinus congestion by preventing airway irritation and thinning out mucus.


C. Be consistent in decluttering:

Never postpone your home decluttering plan. Decluttered homes are healthy homes. You can declutter after every season. For example, you must declutter your home after winter to reorganize the winter clothes or after a festival to place the things in their right places. Donate the clothes you do not need anymore and try not to keep everything with the hope that you will use it one day. Ask yourself three questions as you go: (1) Do I truly need it?; (2) Do I truly adore it?; (3) Would I trade inner peace for this?

Here is my pro tip on this: have four bins as you declutter and reorganize the Healthiest Home: One for recycling, one for trash, one for items that need to be repaired, and another for items you’d like to donate.


D. Keep an eye on ventilation:

Well-ventilated homes are always healthy for our body and mind. Poor Ventilation increases the risk of airborne diseases, causes allergies, and nausea, and can also lead to serious health issues like eczema, nervous system damage, and cancer. Poor ventilation has been associated with “sick” homes for a long time, mainly referring to the damage caused by mold growth and other related problems to the building components. However, if you are buying or planning to buy an apartment or built-in home, then after buying the property you will not be able to do anything about the structure of the home. So, check it properly before the investment.

Tip: You can connect with Vinayak Realtech. They have been serving real estate injury for a long time and they have a reputation for building luxurious homes on a budget. These homes are not only luxurious in terms of amenities. They are also luxurious in terms of ventilation, construction, locational advantages, etc.


E. Use Essential oils or natural, soy candles:

The healthiest Home starts with a healthy environment. So, if you love to light candles at home or love to use different kinds of room fresheners, then it is high time to make a healthy switch. Replace the toxic candles with essential oils and natural, soy candles are a wonderful way to keep your home smelling great while still keeping it healthy.

Additionally, to make your home smell great, you should use a diffuser. An even more affordable option for a pleasant-smelling home is using a diffuser and essential oils. The initial investment is pricier at first, but the diffuser and oils last a long time, so you get hundreds of uses versus candles that burn for a limited number of hours. Plus, there are so many benefits to using essential oils

F. Say goodbye to pests:

Pests at home are common and one of the biggest issues in almost every alternative household. Pests come to your home for 3 main reasons – food, water, and warmth. Seal cracks and openings (gaps around windows, door frame, and pipes) throughout the home; keep the kitchen and other areas of the home clean, and store food properly.

However, if you face a pest issue in spite of doing all of these, connect with a pest control company.


G. Clean your carpets and curtains regularly:

Curtains and carpets are not just mere home decorative items. These are needs of home and both accumulate huge amounts of dust & germs. To ensure a healthy home, you have to clean both of them regularly.

In the case of cleaning carpets, let us inform you of some points. First, cleaning your carpet effectively and regularly increases its lifespan. Secondly, surface-level carpet cleaning doesn’t always cut it (you know, a quick vacuum here and there).

You can use regular things such as using baking soda or dish soap to clean your carpets or you can hire a professional for this.

To clean the curtains, here are some tips:

  • Use a lint roller on the curtains and then vacuum-clean them.
  • Remove the stains on the curtains.
  • Remove the curtains from the rod.
  • Unscrew the rod and clean it.
  • Check the curtain for color fastness.
  • Soak the whites and color separately.
  • Select a mild detergent for the curtains if you are using a top-load or front-load machine.
  • Soak the curtains for a few hours overnight if a lot of dirt has accumulated over them.


H. Say no to plastic:

For a healthier home, you have to bid goodbye to plastic. Start with plastic water bottles first. Here are some alternatives:

  • Glass bottles
  • Ceramic bottles
  • Stainless steel bottles
  • Plant based-plastics bottles
  • Boxed water (or paper bottles)
  • Reusable bottles


I. Use natural products to clean your home:

Well, I know using chemicals is important. However, for a healthier home & life, it is important to increase the usage of natural products. You can use vinegar, baking soda, and lemon to clean your products at home. You can also find natural home cleaning & washing products at home.


J. Check out every electrical item regularly:

No one can deny the fact we need a lot of electrical gadgets for our day-to-day lives. However, keeping an eye on them is important. Do not forget to call an expert to check on them a regular intervals. It will increase your safety. At the same time, the majority of house fires start or spread because of faulty electrical wiring in the house. It is also a great health hazard as it can cause accidental shocks. Checking and repairing faulty electrical wiring is a must for every home.


Healthiest Home: Some common FAQs:

What is the best way to make a healthiest Home?

Well, this depends on the perspective of the user. However, according to me, the best way is to plant a lot of indoor plants at home. This will purify the air of your home and will give you a healthier home. Additionally, the indoor plants are a low-maintenance one. So, it will not be an issue for you.


Why are well-ventilated rooms important?

Ventilation helps your home rid itself of moisture, smoke, cooking odors, and indoor pollutants. Eventually, it helps in lowering the amount of germs at home and helps in making a healthy home for you.


What are the few important tips for making a healthiest Home?

Here are some important tips to make your home a healthier one:

  • Keep it dry.
  • Please keep it clean.
  • Keep it well-ventilated.
  • Keep it pest-free.
  • Keep it contaminant-free.


Final words: I hope these tips will help you make a healthier home. For your dream home, connect with Vinayak Realtech.

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