Vinayak Realtech

Best Vastu for home- Important Vastu shastra Tips For New Home 2024

Vastu Shastra is one of the ancient Shastras of India. Vastu has the capability of filling your lives with joy, positivity & prosperity if it gets maintained in your home properly. On the other hand, if you mess up with this, there are chances of unwanted troubles in your life. In a nutshell, Best Vastu for home is one of the most important factors for your happy life. In this blog, I will inform you of some important Vastu tips which will ensure a happy home for you. If you are looking for a home, do not forget to look for these all and for your dream home, connect with Vinayak Realtech at any time.


Vastu for home:What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra originated in ancient India, and it means  “science of architecture”. It is a Hindu architectural science. It is based on ancient texts that describe principles of design, layout, measurements, ground preparation, space arrangement, and spatial geometry. The whole idea of the design is based on integrating architecture with nature. Vastu Shastra are the textual part of Vastu Vidya. It is the broader knowledge of architecture and design theories from ancient India.


Vastu for the house: How does Vastu Shastra impact our lives?

Our ancient civilization was a great combination of science & nature. According to the old belief, our body is made up of five elements and all of these elements need to be balanced with nature for a good life. Vastu Shastra helps to make a home in a way which helps us to maintain this balance of life.

If you maintain Vastu at your home, it will help you with good health, better spirituality, financial success & a better relationship.


What are the important Vastu tips for your new home?


A. East-facing house vastu plan:

In Vastu Shastra, direction plays a huge role. You have to check the direction of the house to maintain the Vastu of the house. According to Vastu, if the main entrance faces east or north directions, it brings positive energy to the home. Try to avoid having the entrance face south, as it might bring negative vibes.

B. North-facing home Vastu plan 

According to Best Vastu for home, the main entrance of your home is not only your way to enter the house but also the way of entering the energy & vibes in the home. According to Vastu, the main entrance should be in the north, east, or northeast facing. It should be placed in a way which will ensure that when you step out of the house, you will be facing north, east, or northeast direction.

However, this is not all. There are some more tips which you should follow for a happy home. The tips vaastu homes :

  • Your main entrance should be clean & well lightened.
  • It should be built of super quality material.
  • You can place a red doormat in front of your entrance.
  • You should not paint your main door with black color. You should go for colors such as yellow, brown, and white for a positive & happy home.
  • You should not place any fountain or water body, dustbin & show rack in front of your entrance. At the same time, do not place any animal statues or figurines in front of your main door.
  • You can decorate the main door with torans. It is auspicious according to the Vastu. You can also use nameplates.
  • The main door should be open in a clockwise manner.

C. Believe in the power of colors:

Colors have a huge impact on our mood, body & Vastu. It can increase or decrease our positivity & energy.

One should refrain from using dark colors inside the home. The focus should be on white, green, coral, yellow, pink, blue etc.


D. Keep your trust in nature:

Vastu puts a lot of emphasis on nature and connecting with nature. According to Vastu, your house must have a lot of natural light sources. So, check whether the house has big windows or enough natural light sources or not.

In this case, I can give you one tip. If your home does not have enough natural light, you can place a mirror in front of a window or in front of any natural light source. It will enhance the amount of light in the room.

Additionally, Vastu says that the house must be well-lightened. So, even if you do not have enough natural light sources, make it artificially.


E. Do not forget to have a look at the living room Vastu:

Living room Vastu is one of the most important things in the home. Living is the area where the guests sit and make an impression about your home. Additionally, the living room is the same area where you spend most of your hours as well. So, the energy of the living room makes a huge impact on your energy too. Here are the tips for your living room Vastu:

  • The living room should have enough natural light sources, and it also should be well-lightened as well.
  • The living room should be clean & decluttered.
  • Before buying the home, ensure that the living room is in the north, east, or northeast direction.
  • During the decoration, make sure you place all the furniture in the room in the west or the southwest direction.
  • Place your electrical appliances in the southeast direction.
  • Mirror is one of the best ways of interior designing, also it is best to increase the natural light of the room. So, if you want to place a mirror in the living for any of the reasons, place it on the north wall.


F. Bedroom Vastu ensures a happy life:

Vastu of the bedroom ensures good health, a happy relationship & a happy life. Here are your Vastu tips for the bedroom:

  • Before buying the home, make sure that the bedroom is in the southwest direction to ensure a good Vastu.
  • Place your bed in a way, that ensures a west-facing head.
  • According to Vastu, the lucky colors for the bedroom are pink, blue, yellow, etc. Again, do not opt for dark colors at all.
  • Make sure that your bedroom is decluttered & clean.
  • Do not place a mirror in front of your bed. Vastu says that the reflection of the bed should not be seen.
  • Do not place a television in front of your bed.
  • Avoid placing temples, images of fountains, or water bodies in your bedroom.


G. Plants for better Vastu:

As I have mentioned already, Vastu puts a lot of emphasis on nature and instructs us to make a balance between nature & the home. Following that, Vastu also says that plants are good for your house. It brings wealth & positive energy to your home. You can place money plants or bamboo in the northeast corner to attract positive energy.

In this topic, it is important to mention that indoor plants are not only important for Vastu but also important for the environment of your home. Indoor plants help in purifying the air & also help in a good interior.


Some common FAQs:

Which is the best direction for placing the dustbin in my home?

According to the Vastu, the best direction for placing the dustbin is west of northwest, south of southeast, east of southeast, and south of southwest direction.

Let me mention that the northeast, north, southeast, and west need to be free from trash, scrap, and clutter to avoid any kind of Vastu dosha.


What are the Vastu should I check before buying the house?

You should the direction of the house and its rooms. Additionally, try to find a home which has a lot of natural light sources.


What is the easiest way of maintaining the Vastu of my home?

Some of the easiest ways are:

  • Make sure your home is absolutely declared
  • Make sure that your home does not have any broken objects, negative paintings, and running taps.
  • Make sure your every room has enough lights & open air.


Final words: Vastu plays a key role in keeping your home a happy & positive place. I hope that these tips will help you in keeping the Vastu of your home and if you want a ready-made home which has all the right Vastu, connect with Vinayak Realtech at any time.

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