Vinayak Realtech

Advantages of Wooden Flooring in Your Home

In 2021, the market size of wooden flooring was USD 57.65 billion. According to experts, this market will hit the milestone of USD 101.31 billion in 2031. The growth rate of this market is 5.8%. Are you surprised by the rising growth rate of this market? Do you want to know why the homeowners are preferring this over the cement flooring? Let’s dive into the secret of the Advantages of Wooden Flooring.


Advantages of Wooden Flooring:

Humans have been building homes for 400,000 years. Wooden floors became popular worldwide and came into practice only in the 1600s. However, Egyptians discovered it in the back of 3,000 BC. This is the oldest example of a wooden floor in the world history. Before wood, people used to use dirt or stone for the floors.

The concept of wooden floors became popular in Europe in the 1600s. Initially, a simple wooden plank was in use. People used to use pine woods for this. However, with time, artists started experimenting with style. This made it more convenient to use and it became more popular. Here are some of the advantages which are behind this popularity:

1. Longevity:

Home is a lifetime investment and may be more than it. When you are building a home, you might expect to transfer it as an asset to your next generation. Wooden flooring ensures that.

Due to natural fiber, the durability level of wooden flooring is high. It will be fine even if you have kids and pets at home.

2. Low Maintenance:

Wooden floors require minimal maintenance. If you have kids or pets at home getting scratches or minor damage is normal. In that case, sanding or refinishing is normal to restore it.

This feature not only reduces stress but also helps in saving money.

3. Aesthetic Beauty:

Woods have their natural elegance. It effortlessly enhances the beauty of most of the interior designs and makes the home more sophisticated. This aesthetic appeal is making it more popular among homeowners.

The appeal and charm depend on the woods you are choosing. You can get salmon color, white, and reddish floors if you go for oak wood floors. While maple wooden floors offer you creamy white to light brown color. However, every type is suitable for traditional or modern households.

4. Requires Minimal Attention:

In today’s hectic life, we need low-maintenance home decor. If you agree with this line, you must go for wooden floors.

Do you know why? Because unlike, titles or cement floors, it needs a minimal amount of attention. To clean the dust or allergens; one sweep or vacuum is enough.

You will not need any carpet to protect the floor from dirt. If you want to take an extra step, you can use a dedicated floor cleaner. It will bring back the shine in minutes.

5. Enhance Air Quality:

When you use carpets or rugs at home, it trap loads of dust and bacteria. Additionally, cleaning carpets or rugs daily is not possible. However, hard floors do not hold dust or allergens. So, it elevates the overall air quality of the home.

6. Don’t Fade Out Easily:

Mozaic floors or carpets lose their shine and colors faster than wood. Hardwood remains steady and colorful for years even after a rough use.

7. Adds Resale Value:

Buying a home is a future investment. If you install a wooden floor this investment can be doubled. Mozaic floors or carpets get ruined over time. However, natural fibers of wooden floors keep it intact for years. So you get more value at the time of reselling if you install wooden floors.

8. Warmth:

Unlike the tiles or mosaic floors woods keep your home warm on colder days. While on hotter days it takes longer to get hot. It takes a lot more time to get heat up than the stone or tile floors. So, this floor material is suitable for every season.

9. Good for Health:

Artificial floor materials can release toxins things such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or other indoor pollutants. However, good quality wood flooring materials do not contain any toxic materials.

Additionally, a wooden floor regulates the humidity level of your home through its natural holes. It stores the materials during the wet time and releases them at the dry time. So, if you want to take good care of your home environment, a wooden floor is the only option.

10. Soundproof:

Do you love a quiet and calm environment at your home? Opt for wooden floors without a second thought.

Woods absorbs the sound vibrations. So, the amount of noise and sound emission remains esser in the interior of homes. However, please note that tile or laminate helps in amplifying the sound level. It helps in echos.

So, if you want to enjoy a calm home in the middle of a city, always install a wooden floor.

11. Non-allergenic:

Wooden floors do not accumulate dust mites, pet dander, pollen, or other common allergens. So, it does not trigger any kind of allergenic reactions. No matter how much dirt comes into your home, sweep it with a wet mop, and voila! Your home is ready to rock again.


Some common FAQs: Advantages of Wooden Flooring

Is a wooden floor better than a vinyl or laminate one?

Yes, definitely. Wooden floors are much more long-lasting and low maintenance than vinyl or laminate ones. Here are some more benefits of wooden floors:

  • It takes minimal effort to clean
  • You will need less money to bring back its shine and looks
  • Owner gets high value during reselling
  • Controls noise level at home
  • Keep the home environment healthy
  • Balances home humidity


What are the things I need to do to maintain the wooden floor?

Wooden floors require a minimal level of maintenance. Simple mopping is enough. However, if you want to take an extra step, you can use a dedicated floor cleaner.


Do the wooden floors help in allergy reduction?

Yes. wooden floors do not accumulate any dust, dirt, or allergens. So, people with respiratory issues feel better with this.


Do wooden floor helps in deforestation?

No. Currently, companies are managing with responsibility. They pay a significant amount of attention to maintaining forestation and business.


Are wooden floors eco-friendly?

Yes. wooden floors include a lesser amount of synthetic material and it is recyclable. Additionally, this material is biodegradable. These features make it eco-friendly and sustainable.


Which wood is best for your home?

Well, you have to discuss it with your real estate agent. You can connect with Vinayak Realtech at any time to know about it in detail.


How can I install wooden floors at home?

Well, you can’t do it on your own. You have to connect with the experts. It’s better to have a conversation with your builder about this.


Wrapping Up: Advantages of Wooden Flooring

No one can ever go wrong with wooden floors. It is one of the most durable, cost-effective, and environment-friendly options ever. Even in a chaotic neighborhood, it can give you a calm home. So, if you also want it, have a conversation with your builder now. Best of luck, folks!

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